Friday, November 23, 2007

Cynthia's book: I could have married . . . .

Oh, Miz Cynthia, what a great theme for an altered book! I am going to share the photos I snapped while your book visited me - showing everyone's work in this exchange except for Linda Bean's. Cynthia's book should be in her mailbox anyday now . . . Linda will add her magic and then send it home to Cynthia - wow!! Can you believe we are coming to the end of this RR?? It's been great : )

Cynthia's Cover, intro page/sign in and page spreads - click on any image for more detail:

Ann Peterson's page spreads:

Pilar Pollock's page spreads:

Shauna Palmer's page spreads:

Lenna's page spreads : ))

Thank you Cynthia, for a gem of an idea!! lenna 11/23/07

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